GEDS is an active amateur drama society which welcomes English-speaking people from all over the world. Our activities are in English, but many of our members are not of English mother tongue, and a cross-section of our audiences and membership reflects the diversity of the Geneva region.
Working together on a production can be a very rewarding way to make friends, learn new skills and have fun. GEDS members have diverse interests and talents: acting, administrative, backstage, bar work, carpentry, directing, lighting, make-up, painting, programme-selling, prompting, props-making, publicity, set design, set construction, stage management, sound, ticket-checking, sewing, sandwich-making, ushering – to name just a few! Some members have no experience at all when they join but are keen to learn – and our members are keen to teach. Others join because they love theatre and simply want to watch the plays and playreadings.
Why not join GEDS? Members benefit from:
- 20% reduction on tickets to GEDS stage productions, during a pre-booking period;
- Free entry to all rehearsed play readings;
- Participation in all GEDS activities;
- GEDS at a Glance: brief, timely reminders of GEDS activities
Becoming a member
Click Here to fill in Membership form online.
Alternatively, you can download and complete the membership form (available in PDF format) and return the form to the GEDS Membership Secretary:
- By email at
- In person at the next playreading.
- By post to Geneva English Drama Society, 1200 Geneva, Switzerland.
Membership fee
Please note that you will only become a member and start receiving information about GEDS events when you have paid your yearly subscription (see below for payment information).
- CHF 80 – individual membership
- CHF 60 – for those who have reached retirement age
- CHF 30 – for students and those receiving unemployment benefits, as well as trial membership (valid for the first year of membership only)
Membership payment options
- Online Credit Card Payment
- E-banking with your bank
- In cash at a playreading
GEDS bank details:
- Name and address: Geneva English Drama Society, 1200 Geneva, Switzerland
- GEDS’ IBAN: CH05 0900 0000 1201 0826 9
- For E- banking please provide the following information:
- The reference “Membership 2024-25”