Membership Payment 2024-25

You may pay your GEDS membership by credit card or bank transfer.

A service charge fee will be applied to each membership payment to cover the Credit Card charges.

CHF 80 – individual membership (Charge = CHF 3.0)
CHF 60 – for those who have reached retirement age (Charge = CHF 2.00)
CHF 30 – students and those receiving unemployment benefits, as well as new members valid for the first year of membership only (Charge = CHF 1.00)

Membership payment can be made via eBanking without additional charges.

GEDS bank details:

  • Name and address: Geneva English Drama Society, 1200 Geneva, Switzerland
  • GEDS’  IBAN: CH05 0900 0000 1201 0826 9
  • For E- banking please provide the following information:
  • The reference “Membership 2024-25”

To pay with credit card click below:


CHF 80

(plus CHF 3.00 fee)



CHF 60

(plus CHF 2.00 fee)




CHF 30

(plus CHF 1.00 fee)

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